Famous Artist Josef Albers

Abstraction is real, probably more real than nature.
Josef Albers

Ah, the creative process is the same secret in science as it is in art. They are all the same absolutely.
Josef Albers

And I started with this: I have not painted at all my childhood. In fact, I never painted. But I helped my father who was a house painter and decorative painter. He made stage sets, he made glass paintings, he made everything.
Josef Albers

Any ground subtracts its own hue from the colors which it carries and therefore influences.
Josef Albers

Apprentice is the beginner - the first years you work in a craft in the European sense you are an apprentice. That takes 3 or 4 years. Then you are a journeyman. You can go from one master to another and learn other tricks and other secrets.
Josef Albers